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Writer's pictureMaría Molina

Andalusian cuisine in Seville

Updated: Sep 28

So that you can enjoy Andalusian cuisine on Andalusia Day, 28 February, here are some of the specialities you can find in Seville.

Jamón Ibérico


"Montaditos" are small sandwiches. The best known are:

  • The "piripi": Pork loin, bacon and garlic mayonnaise.

  • The "serranito": Pork loin, ham and fried pepper.

  • El "montadito" of "pringá": Meat, bacon, chorizo and black pudding.

Different types of montaditos

"Pescaíto" (fried fish)

  • "Pescaíto" is as we Andalusians say "pescadito" and refers to small pieces of fish wrapped in flour and fried. The most popular specialities are:

  • "Adobo" or "bienmesabe": Dogfish previously marinated in vinegar.

  • "Choco", "calamares", "chipirones", "puntillitas": Various types of cephalopods served whole or in pieces.

  • "Boquerones" (Anchovies): They are fried whole or open. They can be previously marinated in lemon juice.

Fried fish

Other fried preparations based on fish and seafood include:

  • "Tortillitas de camarones" (shrimp omelettes)

  • "Tortillitas de bacalao" (Cod omelettes)

  • "Pavías de merluza" / "Pavías de bacalao" (Hake fritters / Cod fritters)

Fried fish preparations

Meat dishes

These specialities are based on pork:

  • "Solomillo al whisky": Filleted pork tenderloin with a sauce usually made with brandy (not whisky).

  • "Flamenquín": Fried roll containing meat, ham and cheese.

  • "Carne mechada": sliced pork loin

  • "Chicharrones": fried pork bacon

  • "Menudo": Chunks of stomach to intestine stewed with spices. They usually contain chickpeas.

  • "Carrilera" or "carrillada": meat from the cheek, stewed with sauce.

Meat Dishes
Meat Dishes

As a beef speciality we have the oxtail: pieces of the tail of a bull or a veal stewed in sauce.

Cola de toro
Cola de toro


The kings of Seville are prawns ("gambas"), king prawns ("langostinos"), roe ("hueva") ,which is eaten, once cooked, with mayonnaise or seasoned, and "mojama" (sliced dried tuna).


"Caracoles" (snails) and "cabrillas"

There is a great fondness in Seville, especially for snails. They occur in the last period of spring.

Caracoles y cabrillas


We are left with several things that are difficult to classify:

  • Something very Sevillian is spinach with chickpeas ("espinacas con garbanzos")

  • There is no bar in which there is no "ensaladilla rusa": It contains boiled potato and mayonnaise and other things like peas, tuna, olives. One of the best is the one with prawns.

  • Croquettes ("Croquetas") are also very common and are made with a very thick béchamel sauce that includes a filling. They are wrapped in egg and breadcrumbs and fried. The filling can have mushrooms ("setas"), ham ("jamón"), cheese ("queso"), cheeks ("carrillera").... One of the most famous is the "croquetas de puchero".

Espinacas, ensaladilla and croquetas

  • The "papas aliñás" (seasoned potatoes) are a simple and delicious dish.

  • The famous "salmorejo" which has replaced "gazpacho".

  • The classic ham

  • And the fresh tomato with mackerel sauce ("tomate con melva).

Papas, salmorejo, jamón y tomate con melva


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