In Spain Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May, although there are a variety of dates depending on the different countries.
On this day, it is common for families to get together to enjoy a special meal and children often give gifts to their mothers, ranging from flowers and cards to jewellery or special experiences. Younger children prepare gifts at school.
Other countries share this date to celebrate Mother's Day: Andorra, Angola, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal and South Africa.
As mentioned Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, but the most popular day is the second Sunday in May. This is the choice of Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, China, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Holland, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Suriname, Samoa, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
We celebrate it in the entry with this poem by the Chilean poet and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945, Gabriela Mistral:
Madrecita mía,
madrecita tierna,
déjame decirte
dulzuras extremas.
Es tuyo mi cuerpo
que juntaste en ramo,
deja revolverlo
sobre tu regazo.
Juega tú a ser hoja
y yo a ser rocío,
y en tus brazos locos
tenme suspendido.
Madrecita mía,
todito mi mundo,
déjame decírtelos
cariños sumos.
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In France Mother's Day is May 26 😀